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WildNet Africa News Archive

Caring for Megan is a Full-time Job. (5 December, 1996)

Megan the six-week-old chimpanzee is the latest addition to the new Animal Nursery at the Pretoria Zoo. The baby chimpanzee was rejected by its mother after spending a day in the care of the matriarchal chimp of the troop. It is not unusual for another mother to take care of an infant for a period of time, but things went wrong when the mother would not accept Megan back into her arms.

Megan is not the first abandoned chimp to be reared by the zoo. Orphaned Caroline was the star of a television programme and she successfully made the transition from being reared by humans to being accepted back into a chimpanzee family. Zoo Director, Willie Labuschagne, says looking after Megan is time-consuming. She goes through ten nappies a day and needs to be fed every two hours. Mr Labuschagne says baby chimpanzees have the same growth pattern as humans up to the age of about seven weeks and need the same love, care and attention. Megan's playmates in the zoo's creche include Jimmy the gymnogene, Beasley the Bali mynah, and Oliver the otter. Staff reporter. Courtesy of the Pretoria News.



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